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Loss of nudity in the locker room

From various sources:

  1. Naked Guys in the Locker Room: Why Men Aren’t Nude at the Gym (Quinn Myers, 2019): melmagazine[dot]com…naked-locker-room-guys
  2. On Being Naked In A Locker Room (John Garry, 2019): medium[dot]com…locker-room-nudity-in-america…
  3. Why is it almost always old men who are naked in the men’s locker room of my gym? (various, 2018): reddit[dot]com…AskMen…why_is_it_almost_always_old_men_who_are_naked_in
  4. Hollywood has a male nudity problem (Lillian Andemicael, 2017): dbknews[dotcom…male-nudity-movies
  5. On the Loss of Nudity in the Men’s Locker Room (Dr. Barry Miller, 2016): tandfonline[dot]com…00332925.2016.1134213
  6. If You Are Not Comfortable Being Naked Around Other People, You Are Not an Adult (Mark Joseph Stern, 2015): slate[dot]com…locker-room-nudity-is-healthy-and-normal-fear-of-it-is-irrational…
  7. Men Are Much Harder: Gendered Viewing of Nude Images (Beth A. Eck, 2003): jstor[dot]org…3594705

(1) Daniel became desensitized to nudity when he joined the Marines at 18. “I had to shower with dozens of dudes,” he says. “I’m over it. I just lost the shame we build around our bodies when I realized that nobody cared and a body is just a body. It doesn’t matter if it’s perfect or if it’s flabby or how big your dick is.”

Now 32 and living in Washington State, Daniel’s “naked in the locker room all the time.” But his millennial peers, he’s noticed, stand facing the wall, struggling to slide their underwear on under the towel tightly wrapped around their waist. They’re “just less experienced” in the “process of becoming comfortable with themselves,” he says. “I hope by dangling my balls in the locker room, I help young men to see the light and live a better life.”

The “man building machine”

As most things, modern society and city living has both it’s good and bad sides. Sometimes its conducive to an individual’s growth, other times, well, it is not, or at least not in all aspects.

“We’re designed to be hunters and we’re in a society of shopping. There’s nothing to kill anymore, there’s nothing to fight, nothing to overcome, nothing to explore. In that societal emasculation this everyman [the narrator] is created.” — David Fincher (Movie – Fight Club)

In order to sustain large and diverse communities, order obviously has to be kept. Yet, this can foster a controlled behaviour citizen mentality where everyone is squeezed into little “good citizen” boxes. Although completely understandable and justifiable in the bigger “scheme”, these communities are seriously inept when attempting to deal with the heart of a man. (more…)

Playing a prank on a mate


1. Camping Pranks
2. Office Pranks
3. College Dorm Pranks
4. College Sports Pranks
5. April Fool’s Pranks

Useful & interesting knots

Nifty knots that you will find useful when playing outside (and inside) ...

Bottle sling knot:

Tag your beer along with this knot


The Bro Code

From various sources:

The Bro Code (The Bro Codex by Barney Stinson – http://www.brocode.com)
The Official Bro Code (http://jigarbpatel.blogspot.com/2008/12/official-bro-code-part-1-articles-1-40.html)


The Man Code

From various sources:

The man code: http://www.liquorwits.com/code.html
The Man Code: http://mistupid.com/people/page024.htm
Top 10 – Man Codes: http://au.askmen.com/top_10/entertainment/top-10-man-codes.html
Man Code: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=man%20code
Man Code Wiki: http://mancode.wikia.com/wiki/Man_Code_Wiki



near you

The Holt Bolt

Title: The Holt Bolt
Location: St Paul’s School, 34 Strathpine Road, Strathpine, Qld, 4500
Link out: Click here
Description: Thanks to eventfinder.com.au and theholtbolt.com

Are you up for an army-style challenge? If so, get along to the Holt Bolt, a 6-8km military inspired obstacle race on the Bald Hills flats.

The course is run alongside the nationally recognised cross country course at St Pauls School.

The co-ordinators of The Holt Bolt are Richard Holt and Brisbane rugby league player Josh McGuire.

There are 6 races per year and competitors are encouraged to compete against their personal bests as well as each other. At the end of each calendar year a winner of the series will be announced (based on points system).

Tickets: $69.00 per person

Every entrant (over the age of 18) will receive a free beer and a sausage sizzle on the day of the event at the Eatons Hill Hotel and Function Centre. There will also be an after party held at the Eatons Hill Hotel and Function Centre after this event in the beer garden.
Start Time: 10:00
Date: 2013-11-30
End Time: 16:00

National Rodeo Association 2013 Finals

Title: National Rodeo Association 2013 Finals
Location: Caboolture Showgrounds, 140 Beerburrum Road, Brisbane
Link out: Click here
Description: Thanks to eventfinder.com.au

If Rodeo is a sport that’s likely to get your blood pumping, head along to the finals of the NRA Rodeo series presented by the Caboolture P&A Association.

All Rodeo disciplines will be represented including bull rides, roping, barrel racing and steer rides.

This is an all ages event.

Ticket Information:
Adult: $20.00
Door Sales Only

Spectator Enquiries: 07 5495 2030
Competitor Enquiries: 07 5495 8668

Start Time: 08:00
Date: 2013-11-30
End Time: 22:00

Prowl Wrestling

Title: Prowl Wrestling
Location: Hemmant Hall, Hemmant, Brisbane
Link out: Click here
Description: From http://prowlwrestling.wordpress.com/events:

PROWL Wrestling returns on September 14 bigger, badder, better!

Featuring your old favourites, like current PROWL Heavyweight Champion, “Showtime” Jake Nova, Super HULK! Champion The Giant Kyote, Rip Reilly, Mystery, and Toni Storm. Plus, plenty of new faces, like Rikochet, Mickey 2 Phat, and Ricky Rembrandt!

High-flying cruiserweights, bone-crunching big men and beautiful women – there’s something for everyone in the jungles of PROWL Wrestling!


“Showtime” Jake Nova vs. Dean Draven for the PROWL Heavyweight Title

Giant Kyote vs. Rip Reilly for the PROWL Super HULK! Title

Storm & ? vs. Lynx & Renegade

Alex Shepard vs. Lucas Gold

Mickey 2 Phat vs. Ricky Rembrandt

Mystery vs. Rikochet

Circus of Tragedy vs. Pink ‘n’ Black Attack

Tickets: $15 Adults $10 Children (u/16)

Doors open 7pm. Show starts at 7:15

Hemmant Hall is located at Hemmant-Tingalpa Rd. via Ramsay Rd.
Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2013-09-14

Hells Bells adventure race

Title: Hells Bells adventure race
Location: South-East Queensland (1 hour from Brisbane)
Link out: Click here
Description: From: adventurerace.com.au

Hells Bells is a non-stop 24hr adventure race involving trekking, mountain biking, kayaking and other adventure disciplines.

Mixed, Male or Female teams of three must navigate their way unsupported through an arduous 100+km course that is only revealed to them hours before the race. Held in SE QLD it caters to local, interstate and overseas teams. New location 1 hour from Brisbane.

Registration closes on Sunday, 28 July 2013 at 11:59 PM – (GMT+10:00) Brisbane
Date: 2013-08-03

2013 Professional Bull Riders Australian Cup

Title: 2013 Professional Bull Riders Australian Cup
Location: Brisbane Entertainment Centre, Melaleuca Drive, Brisbane
Link out: Click here
Description: Extracts from www.eventfinder.com.au and premier.ticketek.com.au

Twenty-two of the best bull riders from Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States will compete at the 2013 Professional Bull Riders Australian Cup Series.

The event will feature a total of three rounds, with two of those rounds with all 22 riders, plus a final of the top eight qualifiers.

Come and experience a showcase of one-tonne bucking bulls, athletic bull riders and intense action, supported by spectacular pyrotechnics displays, video screens and a pumping sound system.

For a VIP experience, consider the ‘On the Dirt’ package including a ‘meet & greet’ with the riders, an ‘up close and personal look’ at the bulls, and competition arena and exclusive photo opportunities.

Price Range:
Value . . $25.00
Silver . . $50.00
Gold . . . $80.00
Platinum $110.00
Vip . . . $160.00

Tickets can be purchased from Ticketek
Start Time: 19:30
Date: 2013-07-13

Nitro 9

Title: Nitro 9
Location: Logan Entertainment Centre, 170 Wembley Rd., Logan Central
Link out: Click here
Description: Extracts from: http://www.nitromma.com.au/nitro-9-july-13/ and http://www.loganentertainmentcentre.com.au/

Get ready for the ultimate mixed martial arts event!

Nitro MMA the Ultimate Fight Event returns to the Logan Entertainment Centre Saturday 13 July for their 9th event “NITRO 9”. Headlined by 3 Super Title Fights featuring Australia’s best Mixed Martial Arts fighters in action.

Tickets are available now from Logan Entertainment Centre: Ph. 3412 4770
and from For The Fighter Springwood: Ph. 3209 5247

Doors open 6pm. Action starts 7pm.

Enquires: Scott 0412 638 496 or Brian 0418 960972


Ian Bone vs Corey Nelson (Welterweight title)

Kewl Bonez vs Julz the Jackal (Bantamweight title)

Tyler Manawaroa vs Semir Celikovic (Middleweight title)


General $50

Grandstand 1st 4 rows $80 – other seats $70

Balcony $70

VIP tables $2000 (+gst) Seats 10 people, includes 4 hr drink package (Beer, wine & soft drink) plus 2-course meal. The perfect way to experience Nitro with your friends, family or work mates.

Start Time: 19:00
Date: 2013-07-13

Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow

Title: Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow
Location: Powerhouse Theatre, Brisbane Powerhouse.
Link out: Click here
Description: From: http://www.brisbanepowerhouse.org/

Australia’s biggest festival is hitting the road!

Melbourne International Comedy Festival Roadshow is back, with a big night of comedy from some of the world’s funniest comedians.

Our cast of intrepid travelling comedians is hitting the road, entertaining crowds all across Australia. You can be a part of the fun when we roll into your town with a huge show featuring some of the best from this year’s Festival.

The travelling comedians this year are Loretta Maine (UK), Asher Treleaven, Nazeem Hussain, and Tommy Little.

Performances may contain coarse language, sexual references and material that can offend. It is recommended for people aged 15 years or older.

Brisbane Powerhouse is located next to New Farm Park on the banks of the Brisbane river. Street access is via 119 Lamington Street, New Farm (continuation of James St).


Full $37
Concession $32
Group 10+ $32

Full $39
Group 10+ $34

Start Date: 2013-05-15
Start Time: 19:30
End Date: 2013-05-18
End Time: 22:00

PWAQ 7th Annual Rise of the Warriors

Title: PWAQ 7th Annual Rise of the Warriors
Location: Birkdale State School, 74 Agnes street Birkdale, Brisbane
Link out: Click here
Description: Extracts from: http://www.eventfinder.com.au/2013/pwaq-presents-rise-of-the-warriors-7/brisbane/chandler

The 7th Annual Rise of the Warriors will take place at Birkdale State School, with PWAQ’s finest going head to head with some of the best wrestlers Victoria has to offer this year. Who will win the right to face the PWAQ champion for the title?

Tickets available at the door, from the terrace cafe or from www.eventfinder.com.au

When: Fri 24 May, 7:00pm–10:00pm, Sat 25 May, 7:00pm–10:00pm

Restrictions: All Ages.

Ticket Information

General Admission: $6.50 – Available 28 Apr

On Sale 28 Apr 2013 9:00am

Booking fees may apply

Current Roster for Rise 7

1- Wade Brewer
2- Linx Lewis Junior
3- Jake Nova
4- Mystery
5 – Rip Riley
6 – Joel Bateman
7 – D-Volt
8 – Renegade
9 – Spawn Phoenix
10- Slammin Sam
11- Lukas Gold
12- Cyprian Carter
13- Xavier Black
14- Ryan O’Hare
15- Josh Extreme
16- Jed Mace

Start Date: 2013-05-24
Start Time: 19:00
End Date: 2013-05-25
End Time: 22:00