Typical Adventures & Adventurous Activities

Adventure name : Abseiling
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Descending down a steep vertical face, suspended on a rope
Variations / related adventures : Rappjumping / Rapp jumping / Rap jumping (Rappel jumping)

Adventure name : Aircraft acrobatics
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : Pilots doing various tricks with aircraft
Variations / related adventures : Air shows, dogfights, co-ordinated flying stunts

Adventure name : Archery
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : The modern Robin hood
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Boat racing
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Using motor-propelled boats to do time laps or competition racing on fresh water or the ocean
Variations / related adventures : Speedboats

Adventure name : Bridge swinging
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : Similar to bungee but instead of going right down, it does a pendulum movement and swing underneath an adjacent bridge
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Bungee Jumping
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : Jumping off a high base with elastic rope tied to legs or body
Variations / related adventures : Bungee rocket

Adventure name : Canoeing
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Paddling on water with a canoe. The water could be standing, flowing or even rapidly flowing
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Canopy tours / Zip-line
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : sliding from one high level to another along a cable
Variations / related adventures : “Foefie” slide

Adventure name : Caving
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Navigating through caves by climbing, sliding and swimming through various parts of it with various techniques
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Clay-pigeon shooting
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Disc projected into the air and then ideally shot into pieces in the air, usually with a shotgun
Variations / related adventures : Laser-pigeon shooting

Adventure name : Fishing
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Using a fishing-rod, tackle and hooks and bait or a net to catch fresh water or marine fish
Variations / related adventures : Bass fishing, Marlin fishing

Adventure name : Go-karting
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Indoors or outdoors mini cars, usually with two-stroke engines used for racing around a circuit
Variations / related adventures : Bump cars

Adventure name : Hang gliding
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : Projecting off a high area with an airframe (lifting wing) and then being suspended below the wing in a harness
Variations / related adventures : (paragliding)

Adventure name : Helicopter flips
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : Going for a short distance ride or scenic tour in a helicopter
Variations / related adventures : Helicopter manoeuvres, tricks and acrobatics

Adventure name : Hiking
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Walking in the outdoors (usually with a backpack and supplies)
Variations / related adventures : backpacking

Adventure name : Horse riding
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Age old transport method turned into a sport
Variations / related adventures : Horse racing, horse jumping, horse polo, fox hunting

Adventure name : Hot air ballooning
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : A balloon like structure with a basket underneath that is lifts into the air by blowing heat into the balloon
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Hunting
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Shooting wildlife for the purpose of meat consumption or trophy-collection
Variations / related adventures : Culling, trophy hunting, fox hunting, spear fishing

Adventure name : Jet flights
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : A trip inside a jet plane with different adrenaline-rush activities performed by the pilot
Variations / related adventures : Formation flights and air-manoeuvres

Adventure name : Kite buggying
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Three-wheeled vehicle driven with driver’s feet while handling a kite with arms and using wind-power as propulsion
Variations / related adventures : kite surfing

Adventure name : Kite surfing
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Using a board almost like a sand board to ride on the water and manoeuvring a kite at the same time to use the wind as propulsion
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Kloofing
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Using one or a combination of techniques to move through gorges and other valley-like areas
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Laser quest
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Special body armour that picks up the beams from a non-penetrative laser gun and scoring based on hits during the game
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Micro-lighting
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : An airframe with seating structure, wheels and engine propelled to take off from landing strip and fly around
Variations / related adventures : (powered paragliding)

Adventure name : Motor racing
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : High speed competitive racing using various forms of motorcars
Variations / related adventures : Grand prix, formula one, land speed tests, Raleigh, drag racing

Adventure name : Motorbiking
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Different travelling styles using a motorbike as transport method
Variations / related adventures : Motorbike racing, touring, breakfast runs, motorbike safaris, motocross

Adventure name : Mountain biking
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Cycling Offroad and on obstacle course tracks
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Mountain climbing
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Walking and climbing using various techniques to ascend up against and back down a mountain
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Mountaineering
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Climbing up or down a mountain using various techniques and usually rope for safety
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Offroad/4×4
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Rough terrain travelling in an all-wheel-drive vehicle
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Orienteering
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Finding a route through a piece of landscape and being scored on a variety of criteria (time, accuracy, etc.)
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Paddle skiing
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Using a surfboard-like floating board with curves to allow better grip and where feet are hooked into and then using a paddle to navigate through and on waves and the surf
Variations / related adventures : Surfskiing

Adventure name : Paintball
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Gas-propelled guns shooting balls of paint that bursts on impact and leaves blops of different colour paint on target
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Paragliding
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : Projecting off a high area with a parachute and gliding through the air, while being suspended in a harness
Variations / related adventures : Parasailing

Adventure name : Quad biking
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Also called four-wheelers, quad bikes make ideal vehicles for rough terrain and obstacle tracks
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Raleighing
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Off-road challenges with various obstacles and teams of drivers and navigators using modified commercial road cars to complete the set route
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : River Rafting
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Using a one/more person raft to go down a river and paddling to navigate through rapids and other areas of the river
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Scuba Diving
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Diving into the ocean or other water-containing area with oxygen containing devices and flippers
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Shark Diving
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Diving with and around sharks in the ocean
Variations / related adventures : Shark cage-diving, White-shark diving

Adventure name : Skydiving
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : Jumping out of a perfectly functional aeroplane and making use of a parachute to slowly descend, navigate, approach and land
Variations / related adventures : Static line, accelerated free-fall, tandem

Adventure name : Snorkelling
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Using a snorkel and usually flippers to dive just below the water surface in order to experience the underwater life
Variations / related adventures : Cave diving

Adventure name : Surfing
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Using a surfboard to ride waves in the ocean
Variations / related adventures : Long boarding, body boarding

Adventure name : Tree Top Swinging
Adventure type : Air
Adventure details : Swing through treetops from one rope to another
Variations / related adventures :

Adventure name : Water Skidding
Adventure type : Water
Adventure details : Here’s something to try out the next time you want to have some fun in the sun – water skidding. Yes, we do mean skidding, not skiing. It’s like walking on water, except that you’re moving much faster and traveling on your behind. If you can’t imagine what this might look like, check out the YouTube video of a man wearing nothing but his Speedos zip down a water slide and skid across a pool for several metres!
As you watch the expert water skidder in replay after replay, you’ll come to appreciate his impeccable form while also hatching a plan to perform the exact same feat in front of your friends the next time you’re out at the water park. So just how does he do it? While tight swimming shorts are key to reduce friction, there are also some additional principles of physics at play that will help you on your way to becoming the hot topic by your local water slide.
Variations / related adventures : See http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/offbeat-news/mad-japanese-man-human-skipping-stone/8735

Adventure name : Wildlife Safaris
Adventure type : Earth
Adventure details : Going on a trip in wildlife area for a certain period of time, be it by foot or other transport method
Variations / related adventures : Night-drives, game drives, game viewing, off-road trips